Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Quote of the Day

"This change comes in a tea bag."

This quote is courtesy of RNC chairman Michael Steele. Stand alone, of course my mind went right into the gutter and I had myself quite the hearty chuckle, but Mr. Steele was referring to the Republican grassroots movement. Okay, my mind is still in the gutter and it's still a little funny. But apparently Mr. Steele was referring to those tea bagging hippies who reject big government every April and throw Tea Parties to protest having to pay taxes. I guess that's who the RNC is courting these days. But hey, if your government is doing something you don't like, you have the right to protest for change, even if you have to tea bag to get it.

1 comment:

Harold and his Purple Crayon said...

Unless you smoke cigarettes, nobodies taxes have been raised.

But if it makes them feel better to make "witty" signs and allude to the days of revolution, hey more power to 'em.