Friday, April 04, 2008


I hate Bud Lite but very much enjoy Budweiser and Bud Select. Miller Lite is the best of the big brewery Americans, champagne is delicious however I’m not a big fan of MGD. Coors Lite is a solid dude, but his older brother Coors is gross, the banquet beer not so much. Sam Adams regular is ok, though the Sam Adams summer brew is one of the very best beers around. Don’t much care for their other products and Sam Adams Light is one of the very worst experiences I have ever had.

I like what Pabst has done in buying out a lot of the local, cultural breweries. While you may just look like a redneck pounding Old Milwaukee’s or Milwaukee’s Best down, you feel like you have your own little culturally/historically significant brew when downing a Natty Boh or Rainier, even though the quality is the same. Of course their flagship is the blue ribbon winner and they just don’t give those away to anybody. Superfudge can write an ode to that one day perhaps.

Landshark is the best new beer on the market. Great for warm summer days at the beach. Its made by Jimmy Buffett so how can you go wrong?

Never have cared for the heavies. Strange though that I dislike Guinness and Bass independent of one another but together they are delicious in a Black & Tan. The majority of the other European beers I can’t get on board with. The Amazing Hobgoblin? Gross. Duvel? Not my thing. Heineken and Heineken Light however are excellent and especially good with steak.

Dig the Japanese beers. Dry beer is one of my niche likes. Asahi, Sapporo, Orion all great. Not a huge fan of the Chinese beers like Tsing Tao and Harbin, not really sure what they are going for with those.

Molson and Labatt’s are allright. Nothing really fantastic to say about them. Good winter brews.

The Mexican beers are almost all great with a few exceptions (Carta Blanca). Tecate, Corona, Pacifico, and Dos Equis are the best of the bunch. All however come with the special caveat that they are really best suited for drinking in the warmer months. Drinking a Corona in the middle of February just doesn’t do it for me. One notable exception to this is the Dos Equis brown bottle which is acceptable year round.

Don’t care for Red Stripe, but like the commercials. Pyramid is a great beer, especially the Heifeweizen, and its brewed in Seattle. Red Hook is also brewed in Seattle but I just don’t like it. Peroni is neither a rare and interesting Italian beer nor is it very good. Stop giving me bottle caps of it. Anchor Steam is highly overrated as is Blue Moon. Some of the Fat Tire brands are decent enough but not all. Cave Creek Chili Beer is a favorite among Fudge and Fudge alone, the Fudge stands alone. Fosters by itself is not that good, in the oil cans its great however I have received a hangover after every night drinking them so I have backed off.

My god, its Friday thank the lord.


Superfudge said...

I believe you said it all with the blue ribbon winner. First place baby. also, of local note: its is also referred to as :the People's Beer of Richmond... PBR

Harriet the Spy said...

First--I stick by my Bud Light. It was always be my preference of cheap domestic beer.

2nd--Fox News reported today that they're beginning to brew the original Schlitz again. Interesting.

Encyclopedia Red said...

I gotta say that I've recently been turned onto Landshark and I love it! Good list Jon...although I am a big fan of seasonal beers like pumpkin during the fall. God I love sitting outside on a cool fall day sipping some pumpkin ale. Too bad the south doesn't have fall. :(