Friday, April 04, 2008

Talking Points

Here are soem talking points... ripped from the headlines... discuss:

1. Killer third graders. Holy shit. Kids who totally organised an uprising, assigned specific jobs to eachother, and got supplies together. Yes, it was done by third graders and it was n old busted steak knife. However, imagine what would have happened had the teacher struck one of these kids in self-defense. we'd probably be talking bout the evil teacher striking an innocent child. further, there have been several comments about whether the kids intended to do harm. Bullshit, hell yeah they did. I f the teacher had been hurt seriously we'd be asking why we ignored the signs. These are the fucked up little kids that aren't afraid of getting disciplined anymore. kids just don't care because society says they are victims. Bullshit, kids are assholes. remember when you're mom told you school wont kill you? not so anymore

2. Hillary Clinton makes "Rocky" metaphor. Is it just me? Was I the only one who watched all the movies? well, OK, i didn't watch the last one. but it does seem to me, that the story didn't end at the top of the steps in Philly. I'm pretty sure the saga went a bit further than the steps. Mickey told him to back down from Clubber Lang. The Doctor's told him to back down after the doctors told him he was all jacked up after the Drago fight. Adrienne told him not to fight Tommy"the machine" Gunn. but he never backed down. The public told Stallone, please don't screw up the franchise and make the garbage of a movie that Rocky Balboa was sure to be. And in the end, it has been widely regarded that Rocky should have quit looong before he did. So i find it Hillaryous that she just wont quit, despite what people all around are telling her. She should probably take lesson from her own metaphor, and just sit down, before she becomes some washed up punchy old wrinkled person... oh my, too late.

3. Washington Nationals are winning. completely amazing. However, i did say we would do well because of the smaller field. Especially now we have power hitters actually sitting the bench in Dmitri Young, means we have talent to go around which is good. however, I hope i wasnt the only one who noticed that a pitcher blew a 5 run lead from the 1st inning by WALKING IN A RUN! to the PHILLIES!!! the most losingest ballclub in baseball! BULLSHIT! However, dont let the one guy take all the heat. Whatthe hell are we doign losing 5-6 when we score 5 int he first inning? you telling me we could score 5 in one inning, but not ONE MORE TIME in 5 more innings??? them cats better wake the heck up, and stop resting on their laurels of the first two games. This shit better stop right the hell now, we got 100+ games to go damnit.

4. Chris Henry, is it really ALL THAT HARD to be good? youre a fricking millionare?!?!? dont throw beer bottles at kids. dont get arrested. it aint that hard, poeple do it everyday. you seem to not be able to handle the two months of vacation in between workouts and the superbowl! what a waste of talent man. you disgust me sir. complete disgust.

anyhow, i didnt have too much to talk about, but just some things i had been mulling over the next few days.

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