Thursday, April 10, 2008

Guess I Didn't Get The Memo

Today was a rare beautiful day creeping out of the cold dank despair that has been winter in DC. The sun was shining, it was 75 degrees outside, cherry blossoms abound (and not just around the tidal basin), and I cheerfully had my coat hanging on my arm while I was walking from work to the metro. The afternoon was still looking up as I was standing waiting for the metro hoping that the A/C would be on in the train, and alas, it was! Then around Cleveland Park, it happened. Double wide baby strollers descended upon the metro car. Who can concentrate on their crossword puzzle with baby noises and and parent prattle. I eagerly got off at my stop and then it got loads worse. Apparently I was unaware that there was a stroller convention on the train platform. Super cushy condos Babies R Us passes off as strollers were everywhere. There they were, blocking walkways, illegally traveling on the escalator, taking up an area of 4 seats just for mommy and baby. It was a lovely day outside, baby field trips are fine, just stick to the non-peak hours. And if there is another stroller convention scheduled, I'd like advanced notice.


Superfudge said...

Im glad Anacostia is not a bastion for mommies and babies. My morning commute was fine, save for the always present high-school kids that think they are too cool for .. well, school

Harold and his Purple Crayon said...

I think moms with strollers should be put in the same classification as truckers on the highway. They should get their own lane and areas of operation as not to mesh with the good, upstanding folk.

This also goes for people who walk four abreast, slowly, down a sidewalk. Or the guy who takes sharp left turns in the hallway, even though you are supposed to stay right.

Harriet the Spy said...
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Harriet the Spy said...

I believe all these people mentioned in both the post and in the previous comments were making their way to Capitol Hill. Not to mention every 8th-10th grade student in the country. If they're not at Captitol Hill, then they're at Pentagon City Mall. Either way--I'll take the babes in strollers over the preteens and teens any day!