Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lions, Tigers, and Elephants...Oh my!

Most of you regular readers had the opportunity to meet my wonderful mother. It was a great weekend of mother-daughter bonding time. While we maintained many of our favorite family pastimes throughout the weekend (basically eating good food and having cold beer) We were able to do some of the things that is just a bit harder to do when with my dad and/or brother. Like shopping....and going to the zoo.

It was a perfect day for the zoo. Sunny, about 85 degrees, and no humidity. We enjoyed the many exhibits and were taken aback by one in particular. We were in the elephant house when the oldest and, as we came to realize, male elephant relieved himself and we saw...the elephant penis.

Now, I grew up on a farm. Farm animal anatomy is nothing surprising to me. A fact of life. But this, I admit, caught me off guard. It would not be too much of an exaggeration to compare this appendage to a 5th leg. I then thought that I have only seen female elephants (which is possible, I mean, really, how many elephants does someone from the middle of nowhere really see in her life?). Even stranger was after it was done peeing, somehow, it retracted back into the elephant, leaving the elephant to seemingly appear without a sex.

After the elephants, we completed the excursion that is of the National Zoo and ended the afternoon with Ramona at a familiar bar. It is at this time that I was considering whether or not that this should be my latest post on the Pardyboyz blog. I also considered asking what Ramona thought, but ultimately decided that it was not something you discuss in front of your mother...even when you both saw the feat. However, it was this that surprised me, before I had completed my pondering, one of the first things my mom tells Ramona is about the Elephant Penis, catching me even more off guard than when I first saw the thing.

Now, I understand that this isn't a blog you'd least frome me! And I'm not quite sure how to end this...but let's try with a piece of advice. For those of you who like to get into a pissing contest with someone (you know, aka one-upping), don't challenge the elephant.


Superfudge said...

who says Thsi isnt a blog I expect from YOU? Of course you think abour big elephant dick all day.

Harriet the Spy said...

Ouch, S.Fudge., Ouch.