Tuesday, June 13, 2006

New Pardy house

So Ive been searching for a new home. My lease is up in August, and I havent been feeling very welcome in the house I live in for some time. So, upon getting my new job, I've been house searching in DC. I'm sick at the thought that I actually dropped 12 large on rent this past year. I haven't been too worried at this thought since it was pretty much all on your dime(thanks) as it was included in my housing allowance.
The places I started looking was in my much traveled haunt of capitol hill. However, much to my disappointment, most of the homes in the area are going for a million dollars and more without breaking a sweat. The area that is affordable is bullet dodging Southeast. this is like living in Compton or some John Singleton film. so i bypass this prospect. What is pretty cool however is Ive found a few cool houses that are in my price range, and if i had a credit history, Id be good to hook. So Im waiting to get some paperwork back on a loan so I can move the hell in, and have my own place. Its in Southeast, but a good part. Or at least a part thats affordable, and safe. or at least safe by DC standards. Which is a sad commentary in and of itself. If I get the house I want we'll be able to have cool Karaoke nights, cocktail hours before happy hours, and another safe house across the Metro DC area. Safe house? oh yeah. adding to the list of safe houses already established in:
Dupont Circle
Alexandria, VA
By having a home closer to RFK, we create a Bermuda Trianlge of coolness. Add Shila and her friend's house out in Ballston, and it's a sweet diamond.


Encyclopedia Red said...

Can't wait. Totally cool that you are, like, all grown up and stuff. Gag me with a spoon I am sooooo jealous! j/k bff!!!

In all sincerity, good luck!

Ramona Quimby, age 8 said...

Finally! It's about time that you live in a place without an invisible force field of hostility :) Cheers to creating good vibes...can you dig it?