Thursday, May 07, 2009

So the best thing to come out of the swine flu mass histeria shockingly enough came from reality TV. Coincidently, when the world was coming to an end Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt (collectively known as Speidi) from faux-reality show "The Hills" "fame" decided to put on a show and get married. And where did they decide to go for their honeymoon in the midst of all this swine flu chaos??? Cabo San Lucus, Mexico of course!! Yes, retards. Apparently Heidi was also shooting a music video (ya, she's multi-"talented"). Below is a picture of the newly weds enjoying the beach on their honeymoon.

What I love about this picture is the possibilities. Are they going to get surgical mask tan lines? There's no one on the beach, who are they going to catch swine flu from? At least they are protected from passing oral herpes to each other. And at least we are protected (at least momentarily) from the verbal diarrhea that inevitably is spewing from their mouths (not to mention Spencer's creepy flesh colored beard).

What a couple of cool looking idiots...


Vinnie the Pooh said...

It will take a sock and duct tape to protect us from their verbal diarrhea. Perhaps even a plastic bag over their head...I don't know, I'm not from the CDC but I'm sure they'll agree that drastic measures are the only way.

Harold and his Purple Crayon said...

I dont know who they are.

Superfudge said...

I hope they get food poisoning from the fish tacos.

Harriet the Spy said...

So...I wonder if Heidi wore her surgical mask in her music video?