Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Craig T. Nelson is timeless

How delighted was I to hear that TV veteran and eternal “Coach” Craig T. Nelson was making a glorious return to prime time? The answer is very! Twenty years after the movie “Parenthood” (starring Steve Martin, Diane Weist, Keanu Reeves, Rick Moranis, and many others) was released NBC execs are making television magic with a TV drama based the dynamics of the dysfunctional Braverman family. At first my reaction was, “Really?! Wow, that’s kind of reaching, going back 20 years to get an idea for a show.” Until I heard those 3 magic words…Craig T. Nelson. My heart sank a little when I heard a couple of very distressing words, Dax Shepard, but I digress. Oh, did I mention that Craig T. Nelson’s character is named Zeek! Yes! It just keeps getting better! The Parenthood TV show does have a couple of other things going for it, it is being executive produced by Ron Howard and Brian Grazer. Craig T. Nelson demands the best.

So if Parenthood the series lasts longer than 13 episodes, welcome back Coach, welcome back.

1 comment:

Superfudge said...

good job. I really liked coach and am looking forward to his deep baritone cracking wise.