Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Musing from a Southeast Market

I needed to go to my local Safeway to get some foods stuffs and with my little basket I enter the 15 items or less line. Then I notice that the couple in front of me is buying 5 large bottles of Crisco vegetable oil—and that’s it! While my mind was reeling with snap judgments and the beginnings of inappropriate theories, it got better. They pulled out a raincheck! Not only did they buy 5 large bottles of vegetable oil, but they planned to do it once but were rebuffed and then made a special trip later to complete the purchase. Bargain bulk vegetable oil. Awesome.

Red, are rainchecks in your coupon mom arsenal?

Then as I placed my groceries on the conveyer belt I heard the check out girl say, “Ouch, what is that?” I reply, “Ya, that’s an artichoke, it has thorns.” Granted I’ve been lucky enough to experience a variety of foods in my lifetime, but c’mon man, you work in a grocery store! Artichokes aren’t THAT exotic. I guess the worldly and sophisticated clerks are across the street at the Harris Teeter.


Superfudge said...

The people that shop at our Safeway are still trying to figure out the Olive bar for crying out loud. No way they understand the complexity of the artichoke.

Encyclopedia Red said...

rain checks! What a fabulous idea! I can't believe I didn't think of that before...
ugh. Thats when I'll know I've crossed to the dark side for sure. fo sho.