Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Its been said before, but I'll say it again...Unless you are absolutely, 100%, couldn't be more sure, positive, and certifiably insane, don't have kids.
They ruin your sex life,
They ask you strange and awkward questions,
They are filled, just brimming with germs and sickness,
They are insolent,
They are conniving,
They are expensive as all hell,
They are time consuming,
They exhaust you with their energy,
They looove to argue,
They are actually pretty funny,
They are inquisitive and come up with some damn good questions,
They are silly and make you smile,
They like hugs more then money,
They just want to please you,
Riding their bikes makes them ridiculously happy,
So does blowing bubbles,
They have endless rivers of creativity,

Ah. Hell. Have kids, but wait till your older.


Unknown said...

So who's kids were you talking to over the weekend?

Superfudge said...

A big difference is if you had your own kids, you can beat them, from the beginning and discipline them into the way you want them to act. whereas you have for example, Step-kids, they are already grown and know what they can get away with, because those that raised em have let them. Plus, they know, when its all over, theyre gonna go back home to mommy who lets em get away with all kinds of shit.