Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin is hot

OK, this is about as political as I'd like for my posts to get.

Is it just me, or is McCain's VP pick kinda MILF-ish looking? At the very least she definitely has the sexy librarian look going when you see that picture of her in red wearing glasses.

That's right, i said the potential VP is HOT looking. Like Nicholosn said...
"There's nothing sexier than a woman you have to salute int he morning."

Draft Sarah Palin For Vice President
The fact that she's the governor of the place where all the oil in America is adds to her sexiness. Imagine: you want to drill for oil. The vice says "how bout my backyard? we got tons"
All outdoorsy and shit. She lives in Alaska, so of course she fishes. chicks fishing.
Then as I'm listening to the guy on CNN..."She's a card carrying member of the NRA... she owns guns.." That lady with a gun?!
And you know, because of the cold she probably snowskis...
the VP is gonna be a sexy snowbunny.

1 comment:

Vinnie the Pooh said...

She reminds me of Linda Carter. You think she'll put on an american flag theme bikini on?