Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Locker at Work

In high school I had all my necessary items in my locker. When I got out of high school I found that my locker had been replaced with my car, leaving all my crap in the backseat and center console. Now that I am part of the good old American work force I find that my desk drawer now houses all the things I need to survive in this dog eat dog world. The contents of my desk drawer are what gets me through the day.

And to give insight into what I need in order to function at work, here (in no particular order) are the contents of my desk drawer: 3 kinds of lotion, hand sanitizer, a Bert's Bees travel pack full of balms and salves, advil, cough drops, vitamins, Airborne (for those days when I need a pick me up), baggies of crunchy snacks that have not been eaten during the designated lunch period, a multitude of splenda packs pilfered from my building's cafeteria, plastic spoons (for yogurt in the morning and pudding snacks in the afternoon) also pilfered from the cafeteria, tea bags (for making hot and cold tea), jelly bellys, a granola bar, napkins, oatmeal, and a bag of microwavable popcorn.

Stop judging me, you've got your hiding place of necessary crap too.


Harold and his Purple Crayon said...

Wow...somebody was bored at work today

Ramona Quimby, age 8 said...

I told you to stop judging me!!

Superfudge said...

That just cuz Harold's stash is an old cigar box with hypdermic needles, syringes, an old spoon and a seattle mariners lighter he has altered to output more flame.

Oh yeah, and a baggy of crack rocks he got from the guy that waits outside pentagon metro