I was reading our old Blog posts and realised that on Sunday, march 16th, will mark the 3 year anniversary of this blog. While not the anniversary of this circle of friends, It will very well be the Anniversary of Nancy Drew and the Pardyboyz... first, A quick history lesson.
Over a weekend of staying up too late, and playing video games at a place once called "Community Property" Harold received a game called guitar hero. we didn't leave the house the whole weekend. After turning Encyclopedia and maniac onto the game, and the fact that you had to name your band something, and we wanted it to be something cool, we chose children's literature. NANCY DREW AND THE HARDY BOYS. Since we were drinkers, we chose Pardyboyz, with "z" for street cred and all picked names from kid's literature so we could have stage names. Then came the blog, and then came kickball, and it just seemed to be a perfect team name for something. With the Advent of the game Rockband, and individual players, NDPB has come far from our humble roots. and that's how the name cam about.
Now some of us have known each other for waaay too long... As far back as Germany years, and Nebraska years. some are so new they're wet behind the ears but still getting to know, and some have overstayed their welcome. Just kidding Harriet. Some folk we are still trying to convince to hang out more. Some have left to greener pastures, some have gotten married and left but are not gone, and there are even a few new recruits that will try to prove their worth. but we're a pretty damn loyal group of friends, and this group still kicks more ass than you're friends do.
There are a few things you can count on with us: that there will be a ski trip for February birthdays, A kick ass party for April birthdays, Kickball will be played. Fudge will get drunk, Vinny Pooh will take pictures, Asshole will be played. Ramona will be inappropriate(but sexy), trips will be taken, Flip-cup will be played. football will be watched, E-Rockytop will wear Orange, and Harriet will eat corn. beer Pong will be played. Big Tuna will get called when we're the most drunk, Harold will call Maniac and pledge his undying love and be gay with each other, and I will probably piss encyclopedia off, but she'll get over it, and everything will be ok till we all start drinking again.
Every Summer I get this feeling that the summer will be special, and it usually is, though last summer seemed to suck cuz i worked terrible hours on the weekends and the holidays you get in summer. THIS Summer is looking up. with weekends off, holidays off, and new friends that seem to be jockeying for position, and the prospect of meeting new ones, I'm stoked for Natties baseball in the new stadium, trip or two to the beach, an April birthday party, my 31st... and damn, oh yeah, THIS WEEKEND... the game is afoot suckas. Don't you wish you were us.