Wait you mean we are less than two weeks from Labour Day (Yes, I use the proper English spelling because it makes me look cool)? What the fuck? Wasnt it just last week I was drinking beers on Vinnys porch celebrating the return of summer? Like I've always said life is a series of lessons, so here are some things I have learned this summer as we get ready to close it out.
1) We all suck at volleyball.
2) Jason Epperhart is the prettiest man I have ever seen.
3) We made one helluva run at the kickball trophy this year.
4) If you need a clutch RPS player, tag in Superfudge.
5) Getting ready to be a best man at a wedding is stressful.
6) It is very easy to blow through $1000 in a weekend at a bachelor party.
7) It is very easy to have one fuckin awesome time for $1000 at a bachelor party.
8) Being a limo driver is the life, you get paid to hang out a strip clubs with your clients
9) E-Rocky Top has some odd tastes in Netflix movies.
10) O's still suck. Nattie Bohs still taste so good.
11) Reaffirmed Bob Evans is the tastiest post drinking fest breakfast a guy could ask for.
12) Superfudge likes to pick fights when his bruiser buddies are in town.
13) Protecting the internet is at first exhilirating and the quickly tedious and boring.
14) Nats still suck. President bobbleheads best ideas ever.
15) Dinosaur Wars card games at bowling alleys is perversly fun. More fun than bowling.
16) Transformers was the only summer movie worth the hype.
17) Tony Danza is a fucking train wreck.
18) First 4th of July not spent on the mall; didnt really notice.
19) Phillies ballpark possibly best I have ever been in. The giant bell rings on a home run, what more do you need?
20) Wedding perhaps the event of the year.
21) Maniac McGee and Encyclopedia Red will be missed by all.
22) Superfudge likes em young.
23) J & J Crew perhaps most unlikeliest but most awesome of teams.
24) The drive to South Carolina still the most boring drive in the country.
25) My brothers friend is a light weight.
26) Flight of the Conchords = Funniest new series in years.
27) Big haircut is a big asshole. But he will be missed.
28) Summertime blues suck.
29) Nothing like a kick ass beach trip to come out said blues however.
30) Ocean City is about 100X better than Dewey Beach.
31) Kasie thinks she is a fucking karaoke all star now.
32) E-Rocky Top is the real star however.
33) Jason Epperhart does not know when to leave a room.
34) Without Kasie car rides would be sooooo boring.
35) And you think you have a crap job? Poor Eric.
36) OAR concert was awesome.
37) Mustachies are a perfectly respectable party prop for any Mexican theme.
38) Mustachie with a mop by an Asian guy however is completly unacceptable.
39) Superfudge has some bright orange vomit that he is very sorry for.
40) Keeping a party going till 4:30 AM? Yes thats how Ramona and Harold do it.
41) A Tuna fish does not answer his phone.
42) The Tuna fish is gone.
43) A weekend of hard partying makes Harold a dull guest at a Sunday afternoon going away.