Friday, May 25, 2007

TV Season In Review!

I pretty much watch four TV shows. Well five if you include The Sopranos, but that is on such a crazy schedule it’s hard to plan around it. Lost, Heroes, 24, and The Office. Well since they have all had their season finales I think its time for a review of each one. I am bored with nothing else to do and its been a week since last posting so I am going to do this. Like it or not.

Lost – This season started out slow. Dragging out the Kate, Sawyer, Jack imprisoned thing for six episodes was way more than that storyline needed. However this show picked up and did it ever pick up. Two terrible episodes were around; the one about Jacks tattoos was pointless. Who gives a shit about how Jack got his tattoos? I mean, come on. Also the one with Nikki and Paulo getting killed by the spiders and buried alive was utterly pointless. That however was the only negative on what I think was the best season of Lost they have had yet. The last 6 or 7 episodes were all without question mind blowing phenomenal. I don’t want to spoil anything here in case somebody reading this is going to watch them later or on DVD or something, but every episode leading up the finale was amazing. The finale itself was perhaps the greatest episode of TV of all time and totally changes everything with how this show works. I’m not even joking or being a nerdy fanboy on this, it was all seriously that awesome. Despite the early slowness and two bombs of episodes this season of Lost gets a solid A.

Heroes – I’m going to one up Charles Dickens and tell a tale of three cities. The first city was the “Save the cheerleader, save the world” city. This was the first run of episodes of Heroes from like September to November and it was nothing short of awesome. The entire storyline of ordinary people discovering extraordinary abilities was brilliant and every episode built on the other and this just dragged you in. I remember staying up until 4 AM watching the entire first run of episodes. The second city is the “Are you on list?” city. His was the second run of the series from like January-late February. This was still pretty good but didn’t quite match the brilliance of the initial run. One great episode though was here is the one about the back-story on Mr. Bennett. Other than that it was good TV, not bad at all, pretty entertaining. The third city however was the last run of the series from April-Season Finale. This is when the wheels came off. Writing got sloppy, acting was poor, plot holes erupted and logical fallacies were inexcusable. The season finale had to be one of the biggest disappointments I have ever witnessed. Again, I wont spoil anything for those who have yet to watch it, but there were many problems with how this series concluded. I really hope they get back to what made it so good at the start. I would give this first season of Heroes a B-. I feel like that is so harsh considering how great the early episodes were, but the sloppy way they ended things just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

24 – Oh 24, how did this happen? You go from an emmy award winning season 5 to this. He first four episodes had a ton of promise for this season, but every single episode after that just sucked. This was a horrible season of 24 filled with soap-operaish nonsense. Why do Jacks family members look absolutely nothing alike? His Dad is a 6’4 tall, gangly guy, yet his brother is a short, bald fat man and here is Jack somewhere in the middle. They trotted out the same storylines they have used in previous seasons of 24 yet without any of the drama and intensity. God this was such a disappointment this season. I had to force myself to finish this season it was so bad. They really need to reboot and restart this series from scratch. This gets a D. Only reason it’s not an F is because the first four episodes were very good.

The Office – Best season of The Office yet. Many, many laughs had all season long and a satisfying ending that may finally lead to the thing we all have been wanting since the start. I am sure I will be quoting off of this season all summer long. Michael’s suicide awareness day, the introduction of Andy Bernard, Michaels increasing hatred of Toby, and Dwight being Dwight made this season so great. This season had many hilarious moments and will certainly be purchased on DVD (hopefully Blu-Ray!) when it comes out. Solid A, only reason its not an A+ is for the line “I’m going to kill Jim Halpert”.


Ramona Quimby, age 8 said...

So what Harold? Just sitting around watching Lost, getting boners from the exciting story lines?

Superfudge said...

Beer that office season on HDDVD for me will ya