Thursday, November 09, 2006

Fire the Bums!

Yes, this post is about politics and the election results and subsequent fallout from it. I know what you are saying, "Why do you have to get serious Jon?" "Don't you know you aren't supposed to talk about politics and religon here?" Well I am because it's the only outlet I have to do so.

You see my family is generally big time conservative Republicans. Since I don't really fall in to that category it's sometimes hard to articulate my points to them as it will only cause an argument and frankly, thats not worth getting in to. I would not consider myself exactly a liberal democrat either though, so on some things we see eye to eye. I guess you could categorize me as fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I voted for Bush in 2000 and Kerry in 2004. However, in recent years I have begun to hate the Republican party with great anger. Not conservatism mind you, but the damn party. Nothing makes me happier than the comeuppance that they recieved on Tuesday and I will explain why.

I think the start of the downfall in my eyes of the Republican party was talk radio. Prior to the ascension of conservative talk radio and these clowns like Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly, Democrats and Republicans in office certainly disagreed on issues, but they were cordial with each other. They played golf together, they had lunch together, and most importantly they worked with each other. Ever since these over the top, hate spewing talk radio hosts I have noticed a shift in the party and political climate. It has become hateful and contentious. So while we have troops fighting a war, we have our politicans so deeply divided that they can't even work with each other. It would be like the old thing were if a Democrat held up a blue pen and said "This pen is blue" the Republicans would instantly shoot back with "No, it's red! You liberal left winger!". Then of course the next day these idiots on talk raidio would blow it up as the biggest thing that ever happened. I have hated and resented this tone for years and recently it has only gotten worse.

The truth is I am sick of it all. I am sick of the bible thumping moralists who also try to sleep with young pages. I am sick of gay evangelicals telling us that homosexuality is the worst thing in the world. I am sick of the out of control spending of the supposedly "conservative" Republicans. I am sick of a stay the course policy in Iraq that has produced nothing but more crosses at Arlington. I am sick of a congress cutting taxes while increasing the budget 200% and we are at war (how are we paying for this all?).

Republicans got what they deserved Tuesday because they forgot what they stood for. They became the big government that they were supposed to be against. I for one, couldn't be happier. I really hope the democrats change the political culture in this country, I hope they bring about some sweeping changes and get this thing fixed and back on track. Will this happen? Who knows...just as long as it isn't more politics as usual.

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