I signed up for the military because I was bored. basically. and because my Mom nearly dared me to. a week later I was in South Carolina where I learned people outside of the movies actually do say "Y'all", and most dudes from Alabama have at least one golden tooth that isnt a cosmetic cap. All Hispanics are Puerto Ricans, even if your Mexican. Georgia is lame. I moved to germany where I consumed lots of beers, and made lots of friends. I learned that not all women that say they love you mean they love you... for free. Not all men who speak Italian and work in Italian restaurants are Italian. Not all short Aryan bald men who speak german are Nazis. You can get a glass of beer in McD's. You can get a Beer in a movie theater. movies are called films. Summer only lasts two weeks. Winter lasts seven months. David hasslehoff really isnt as cool as they make him seem. Even in Germany. Most war torn countries are actually beautiful. All women from Croatia are fine. until they get old. Alfredo sauce is an American invention. Al Dente?? is the only way noodles com in Italy. Vodka in Poland is wicked. A carton of marlbros in ten bones. You pay by the litre in Germany. and the prices are about the same. 4 bones for a litre. coke is more expensive than beer in germany. football is soccer. Bayern Munich is the bomb. Yankees still suck. and people do listen to techno. but it sucks too. Absinthe is great and I love it. You spen your life trying to get out of hometown, you travel the world, see awesome things, experience things you can oly experience in places like, Munich. Drinking beers by the litre, saying happy new year to the royal family of greece, and drinking with Athenian cops on new years, because we wandered behind the stage of the natioanl celebration, and getting stuck in Munich and finding your way home on the ticket of the John Deere green tractor guys. all that, And I miss home. Kickball is still awesome. The dream-girl you love proabably lived less than an hour away from you at some point, but you had to traverl everywhere to find her. go figure.