Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tales from the Brink of Alcohol poisoning

I was somewhere between Hell and Arlington Virginia on a Thursday when it started. I didn't foresee it at that point, but I was about to experience a most transcendant journey down a lonely road of alcohol. What's more, though it be a lonely road, I would not be alone. That my friend is where it only begins to get sketchy.
Understand this before you continue. This is in fact, on the surface a very drunken episode yet again experienced by yours truly. But you must harden not your hearts to the true fact that lies beneath the story. This in fact was a journey down a dangerous path to transendance. Transendance, nay, but definitley an epiphany of sorts. I have taken this path for you all because I love you, and will from here out be my legacy to the world.
Thursday night as just another happy hour, although it was qa happy hour with some new friends of mine. We had joined a kickball league earlier in the year and this was the last happy hour before our game on Sunday. we met in Arlingotn to discuss stragety and refresh ourselves from a long hard week in cubeland at the hands of THE MAN. I intended to keep it light because it was in fact a weekday, and while I have no qualms upon drinking during the week, we kept it light. I had a mere four beers. It was like priming a pump for the gushing water of a great Falls. and there the descent began. In Arlington.
The next day was a LOOOOOONG day at the grind, but the fact that we were all meeting up for a spring training baseball game, made it longer. I made it down to Dizzle's house and started drinkin', it's what I do. We Metro'd up to L'Enfant plaza to switch to the orange an blue line to take it to the stadium. this of course woul dbe my last chance at forgiveness, sobriety, and my own blessed sanity. It was not to be.
From there the spiral began to spin faster thean the spiraling ramps of RFK. I was looking for food, but it was all hot dogs. It was a friday in lent and I was looking for something in a Nacho. I settled upon a very mustardy pretzel to hold me over. This of course would not nearly be enough to fight the alcohol back. The game i briefly remember with shouts of joy, disgust and despair. upon reflection, I see now that it was only a metaphor for the battle that was raging inside me. One side pushing me into the breach, the other trying to pull me back from my own unwitting destruction.
I awoke sometime around noon on saturday. I was in Dizzle's house again and my head hurt. DJ nick and I went to MC's for some recovery food. I swallowed down a Quarter pounder in less than five seconds. the fries took less time. the Coke practically poured down my gullet. I drank water to recover. 'Twas in vain. by 8 pm i was drinkin again at Encyclopedia red's house party. there was a kegger of yuengling, which by the way, if you have never had... you havent had beer. I started with that. Unfortuantely, it got worse the amount of hard alochol there was Outstanding, it took a mere 20 mins for Dizzle to crank it up a notch.
The starry night is a concotion of pure syrupy goodness. Goldschlager and Jager. Peppermint and licorice all in one. it was sweet nectar to me. Fromt here on out, it was martinis, and shots. i had one Corona. I think. It was all so confusing. When i woke up it was 11 o clock. but i forgot about the itme change.
I was at ramona Quimby's house when I came to. I was afraid at first not knowing where I was at first, but the familiartiy came slowly back. tge big game was at 4-ish, but we were to be there by three thriy. we were late. but we made it. mroe to come

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gripping saga, very Lord of the Beers...precious :) Can't wait for the second installment!