"Alright...command decision...I vote for Eastern Market, at least there are a bunch of bars there so if one is lame or gets too crowded we can move on. Plus, if its too crowded then Capitol Hill is just around the corner. Gotta play the odds!!" ~Mbutu O'Malley :o)
So it seems like Eastern Market will be the place for us tomorrow. Hope many of you can join us. Also here's a Alcoholscopes from Mbutu O'Malley
- ARIES 3/21-4/19
Drinking styleImpulsive Aries people like to party and sometimes don't know when to call it a night. Their competitive streak makes them prone to closing-time shot contests. They're sloppy, fun drunks, and they get mighty flirty after a couple tipples. Getting Aries people drunk is a good way to get what you want out of them, should other methods fail. Aries can become bellicose when blotto, but they will assume that whatever happened should be forgiven (if not forgotten) by sunrise. They can be counted on to do the same for you -- so long as you haven't gone and done anything really horrible to them last night, you sneaky Gemini. - TAURUS 4/20-5/20
Drinking styleTaurus prefers to drink at a leisurely pace, aiming for a mellow glow rather than a full-on zonk. Since a truly intoxicated Taurus is a one-person stampede, the kind of bull-in-a-china-shop inebriate who spills red wine on white carpets and tells fart jokes to employers, the preference for wining and dining (or Bud and buddies) to body shots and barfing is quite fortunate for the rest of us. This is not to say that the Bull is by any means a teetotaler -- god, no. A squiffy Taurus will get, er, gregarious (full of loudmouth soup, some would say) and is extremely amusing to drag to a karaoke bar when intoxicated.
1 comment:
We're gonna bust this one out like a high school kegger! God help you all.
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