Friday, November 16, 2007

My Friend Edna

My Brother-in-law's sister Edna was a great person who always had a smile. She was a kind and gentle person. I only saw her a few times after my younger sister were married. She loved to dance. Every time she would come up to California she would always want to go dancing. Now in Tijuana, its easy to be an under age teenager and find a place to go dancing. But when she would come up to California and want to go dancing its not that easy. In the beginning it was hard to find a place to take an under 18 person to go dancing, but we found em, and we went, even though there was not a hard drink to be had at any of these places.
later, after she had turned 21, it was easier to go places and take her to show her a good time. But she would always want to go dancing. Now everyone knows I'm pretty much the type of person that goes to a bar and listens tot he jukebox. Not exactly the type of place you can find dance floors in. But Edna was such a sweet person you couldn't help but want to take her dancing. Edna was sweet, and she was shy. She had a way of smiling at you that was kind of, I don't know, demure like.
Something about her smile though said that she wasn't as shy as everyone thought she was. she loved to have fun, and she did love to laugh, and when she did, she laughed out loud.
Edna suffered an aneurysm last Monday. She was taken off of life support some time on Tuesday. Edna will be sorely missed, and I think I am still in some sort of shock over it. Edna was a 22 year old Beautiful young woman. I hope there's a dance floor in heaven, and I hope the Angels can handle it.